Since I retired, I love the time I have to write and do writing 'things'. My hubby, who is semi-retired, likes to run around when he isn't working, but I enjoy using my time to write and do a little 'piddling' around the house.
Before I started college and became a public school teacher, I was a stay-at-home-mom, and I loved it. I loved raising a garden and canning, sewing clothes for myself and my girls (I even made my husband a couple of sports-jackets), and helping with Vacation Bible School, church youth camps, and doing other volunteer jobs.
But now I have my time. Not only do I spend my time writing, but I still volunteer at food banks and help with a program to put prisoners through high school and Bible College. I also teach at a local rehab for women. Most importantly, I have time to spend with my grandchildren doing grandma things. These things bring me joy, and I'm happy to have time for them.
Lately, I have found myself helping other people get their writing published. I never intended to do that; it just happened, and I enjoy it. I'm so grateful for those who have helped me along the way and I want to help others.
In this new chapter of my life, I am finding so much fulfillment. I love having my time and want to use it wisely. As I sit with my laptop, I watch the hummingbirds feeding outside my window, tomatoes ripening in the sunshine, and the trees blowing in the breeze. Life is good!