- Master your habits.
- Discipline yourself.
- Stop living in future fantasies.
- Do things right the first time or postpone them until you know what you are doing.
- Use your mind and stay alert.
- Concentrate on what you are doing.
- Take personal responsibility for what you are doing.
- Set daily goals and stick with them as much as possible.
- Stop being sloppy!
- Do not fill your time with unnecessary, time-wasting activities.
- Delegate responsibility
- Plan ahead.Know how you are spending your money.
- Cut down on luxuries, leisure time, TV watching.
- Visualize the end product of what you are doing.
- Do not find excuses.
- Do what you should be doing.
- Be on time.
- Establish authority, standards, and priorities and stick with them.
Master your habits. Discipline yourself. Stop living in future fantasies.